NEW BUILDINGS BRIDGE. Constructed from parts of the original Towamba Bridge swept away in the 1919 flood. Photo K. Clery |
In times of flood bridges meant the difference
between a safe, dry crossing or being cut
off until the waters receded. In the early
days of settlement in the district, keeping
an adequate store of food was part of the
normal household organisation. Most families
were almost self sufficient in vegetables,
meat and fruit preserves. Flour and sugar
were ordered by the sack full. Being cut
off for several days by flood waters was
generally not a problem. As transport evolved
from animal to mechanical, people expected
better roads and all weather crossings.
These were times of great change in the valley
and improvements of this nature often had
to be fought for with determination and people
power. In the eyes of some Local Government
members, the cost of building bridges far
outweighed the population in the district
that would use them.
Although the Towamba River valley cleaves
through mountains, hills and granite outcrops
on its way to the ocean, the distance by
road is approximately 60 kilometers from
ocean to the escarpment. The village of Towamba
is 26 kilometers from the Princes Highway
and is still classed as isolated. The battle
for better road maintenance still goes on.
'The Manaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala
November 11, 1882
Tenders for a bridge over Towamba River will
close on 21st instant ; plans, &c., at
Bega Police Office.
'The Bega Gazette and Eden District or Southern
Coast Advertiser'
2 July 1884
Towamba.-The New Building Bridge is nearly completed,
and the approaches are being made by T. Collins'
party. We believe this bridge has two 60
feet spans, with 27 feet approach at each
end of the bridge.
27 Aug 1884
'The Bega Standard and Candelo, Merimbula,
Pambula, Eden, Wolumla, and General Advertiser'
The Bridge over the Towamba.
The ceremony of opening the new bridge over
the Towamba River at the New Building on
the Big Jack road, took place on Thursday
last. There were about two hundred of the
residents of the surrounding districts present,
including a large percentage of the fair
sex. There would doubtless have been a much
larger muster but for the heavy rain that
fell the day
previous, and the threatening weather on
the day of the demonstration. The Bombala
Brass Band was present, but the tunes played
were like angels' visits - few far between
- otherwise their attendance might have made
the proceedings much more enjoyable. Although
Jupiter Pluvius scowled on the assemblage,
his black looks did not deter those present
from making the most of the day's outing
and endeavouring to make all things pass
off pleasantly on the great gala day for
Wyndham and Rocky Hall. Messrs. Diversi and
Turbett, of the Wyndham and Robbie Burns
Hotels respectively, had booths on the scene
of the festivities.
The committee consisted of Messrs. Thos.
Collins, Hutchison, Spears, J. Whitby, Diversi,
P. Conlon, Prosser, W. McCarthy, Hibburd,
Devereux, R. Farrell and McDonough with J.
O'Connor as secretary, and they did all they
could to make the day a 'red letter' one
in the annals of the district. There was
a 'display' of bunting on the most prominent
of the bridge, but it was not such that would
stir up patriotic feelings in the most ardent
breast. The bridge is an important one, situated
as it is on a road that must come into favor
as the main highway between Monaro and the
sea when the Big Jack road difficulty is
over and an easy grade made up the mountain.
The bridge itself is a very substantial
and faithful piece of workmanship, reflecting
great credit upon the contractors. It is
244 feet long, consisting of three 30-feet
spans and two 75-feet truss spans, the width
between the curb logs on the decking between
the latter being 14ft. 6in., and between
the former 16ft. The height of the bridge
from the bed of the river is about twenty
feet, and the bridge is supported by three
sets of piles driven to 'bottom' in the river.
The middle pier, supporting the two truss
spans or girders, is built into a solid block
of concrete, embedded on rock in the centre
of the river, and is neatly plastered on
the outside.
The dimensions of the concrete are: length
36ft., width 6ft., and height 9ft. The pier
consists of nine piles and two shorter ones
at the ends to which the raking piles are
collected, and firmly braced together with
6 x 12 walings and braces, and on this pier
the two main girders are supported. The spans
consist of three members each 12 x 4, firmly
strapped and bolted
together, and are thus rendered much stronger
than if in one piece of wood, because to
get them the right length, a tree would have
to be very thick at the butt, to enable it
to be squared at the top to leave the sap
wood out; and unless a very large tree was
chosen, the whole of the
heart, which is very brittle, would have
to be left in. The trees suitable to get
the required amount of wood out of were chosen,
and, in fact, were ready squared, but from
the very rough nature of the country, it
was found to be impossible to draw them to
the bridge; and the spans had to be made
of three distinct pieces.
The girders, four in number, are of orthodox
style, and the structure resembles the Bega
bridge, but is not so long. The decking,
railing and everything in connection with
bridge is first-class, and the painting sets
off the erection. Every piece is strongly
bolted together with wrought iron bolts,
which will keep the Pioneer Bridge together
as long as the Towamba
River lasts.
On Mr. Hibburd, as pioneer of the district,
was conferred the honor of naming the bridge.
At about one o'clock the school-children
present were marshalled into line by Mr.
Hutchison, teacher of the Rocky Hall school
and, preceded by the band, marched on to
the bridge. Mr.
Hibburd then addressed those present, comparing
the times when this river had been one of
the greatest troubles on the Big Jack Road,
which was the best route to the sea-port,
with the present time.
He remembered when teams on the road to Monaro
had been bogged on the hill close to this
spot, and when he was younger he had tried
to get a road made but people then said it
was no good agitating unless they had houses.
But if they did not agitate unless they had
houses they would have to stop in the bush.
The speaker thanked the residents for the
honor conferred upon him in getting him to
name the bridge. Mr. J. O'Connor, on Mr Hibburd's
read out the following address: 'This day's
proceedings will, I am sure, belong remembered
by all in the district, inasmuch as the structure
we are now viewing is the first of any importance
that has been erected, and the name conferred
upon it is suggestive of its being the first.
I trust the building is only the initiative
of greater undertakings that will be of a
benefit to the district. A few years ago
few people thought that we would so soon
have the
pleasure of seeing such a handsome structure
erected ; but the fact of its existence tends
to show that a fair amount of agitation tempered
with reason and assisted by such excellent
members as this district has that the Government
are always willing; to grant them assistance
in any project they advocate.' Mr. Hibburd
then dexterously broke the bottle of champagne
and named the structure 'The Pioneer Bridge.'
Three cheers were then given for the Road
Superintendent, three for the contractors,
and three for the pioneer, Mr. Hibburd.
The bridge was then declared open for traffic.
The children were next marched on to the
green, where, after giving three more cheers
for the veteran, they were regaled with sweetmeats.
After a little delay in preparing the dinner
table, as many as could be accommodated sat
down to a repast prepared by Mr. Diversi.
Here the only fault in the arrangements was
apparent, the table room being insufficient
to seat all at once and the table was filled
three times. When
all were satisfied the speechifying took
place, Mr. T. Collins occupying the chair
and Mr. G. Pressor the vice chair.
The chairman regretted that the unsettled
weather had somewhat marred the success of
the day's proceedings, and but for the rain
there would doubtless have been more friends
from a distance present.
However, the rain would make the grass grow
and that was a consideration in this district.
He was glad to see so many present and he
was echoing the sentiments of the committee
in welcoming them to the festivities of the
bridge opening. It seemed a very short time,
in fact only like yesterday, since they had
petitioned Government for the bridge that
was now completed. He concluded by proposing
''The Queen and Royal Family," which
was drunk with honors.
Mr. G. Pressor proposed 'The Superintendent
of Roads.' He had much pleasure in proposing
this toast. He was personally unacquainted
with the gentle man; but he would depart
from the general rule of running down public
officers, as he thought by using conciliatory
language more good could be done. As far
as he, the speaker, could see, the Super,
was an efficient officer and he hoped he
would long remain in the district; and the
best thing they could do if they wanted anything
done to the roads was to keep in with him.
Mr. O'Toole, in the absence of any public
officer, returned thanks in a very laudatory
Mr. Collins gave 'The Contractors, Messrs.
Sims and Co.' As a contractor himself he
could sympathise with difficulties under
which Sims and Co. labored. In the first
place they had to please the Super., in the
next, public opinion, which everyone knew
was a most tyrannical
master, and last of all, themselves. He thought
the work just turned out of hand was of the
best, and it would take the eye of an experienced
engineer to detect any faults, and they would
be but minor ones.
He spoke of the bridge as a masterpiece
in design and workmanship, and a credit to
the contractors.
Mr. Sims responded, thanking those present
for the manner in which the toast had been
received, and for the very flattering remarks
of the chairman. It was unnecessary for him
to say anything about the bridge, it would
speak for itself. From the first he had striven
to do good conscientious work. He thanked
the residents of the district for their many
kindnesses, which he would remember as long
as he lived. He might go to a hundred districts
and not meet the same kindness as he did
in this part, and would be sorry to leave
Mr. O'Toole proposed 'Success to the Wyndham
district,' testifying to its importance,
and as one that should receive attention
from the Government. Seeing such a stretch
of good country it was a puzzle to him why
the erection of the bridge should have been
so long delayed.
He spoke of the good that could be achieved
by pulling together and keeping things astir,
and when, as a friend of his mentioned to-day,
Eden was connected with the other parts of
the district by rail, Wyndham would come
into note.
Mr. Pressor returned thanks. He was very
glad to see representatives of the two papers
present, as they could do much good for the
district by telling them how people in other
parts could get a good living off a small
piece of land. He wished to open the eyes
of the people to the imposition by commission
agents in Sydney, and hoped the papers would
make a note
of it. He had seen two receipts for bark
sent from this part, one being from a petty
agent, and the other from a big firm. The
price given per ton by the former's receipts
was £6 5s, and by the latter's £8 10s. He
mentioned this to show how they were imposed
upon. Although nature had placed obstacles
in their way, he thought that by industry,
sobriety, and other virtues, they would overcome
Mr. P. Conlon gave ' The Members, Messrs.
Clarke and Garvan,' praising both gentlemen,
but more especially Mr. Garvan, who, when
he had travelled this way a few years ago,
promised to do all he could for the bridge,
and he mentioned the fulfilment of that promise
as a proof of his honesty of purpose. He
thought the next thing to go in for was a
good road up the mountain, and they should
go in the right way to get a new survey and
money voted to make a good road.
Mr. W. D. Neilley, on behalf of Mr. Clarke,
and Mr. Devereux, for Mr. Garvan, returned
thanks, both speaking of the importance of
the occasion of the Bridge opening.
Mr. C. Sherwin in a most gallant speech
proposed 'The Ladies,' and two gay young
bachelors returned thanks on their behalf.
Mr. Hutchison in a very natty speech gave
' The Press and its liberty,' to which Mr.
O'Toole (Union), and Mr. W. D. Neilley (Standard),
returned thanks.
The toast of 'The Visitors' by Mr. Conlon,
and responded to by Mr. Devereux brought
the proceedings to a close.
A dance was held in Mr. Diversi's Assembly
Room in the evening, which was well attended,
and dancing was kept up with vigor until
six o'clock next morning.
PRETTY POINT BRIDGE (Information provided by Ruth Merceica of
'Pambula Voice' October 2, 1896
Extract: "Formal opening of the bridge over
the Mataganah Creek (on Wyndham-Rocky Hall
Road) on Friday last, Mrs. John Love, the
oldest lady resident of Wyndham, was chosen
to christen the bridge, and Mr. E.J.Coman
J.P. declared it open for public
the presence of between two and three hundred
people...when that day's centenary arrived...he
(Coman) hoped that the bridge would still
be fit for traffic and the Wyndham Boxwood
as sound then as it was today...
Mrs. Love then broke a bottle of champagne
on the bridge and called it "The Wyndham
Committee Bridge".
Banquet ...held in tarpaulin booth...Mr.
George Robinson of Wyndham did the catering
...and 70 persons sat down...Ball at School
of Arts."
Mrs. Bessie Bray, being the oldest citizen,
performed the re-enactment and Jacqueline
Whitby was the descendant of Mrs. Love who
performed the first opening ceremony in 1896.
Charles Rayner's mill on the banks of the
Mataganah Creek produced the excellent boxwood
timber for building the bridge that was opened
on 20th October, 1896.
Pretty Point Bridge, Wyndham to New Buildings
Road. Photo K Clery |
PRETTY POINT BRIDGE: A BETRAYAL OF TRUST. (Excerpts from Newsletter September 2017)
In the past month the communities of Wyndham,
and Rocky Hall have been spurred into action
by the shocking realisation that the Bega
Valley Shire Council has abandoned all pretence
of adherence to state legislated heritage
policy and, specifically, the responsibilities
concomitant with the management of their
own LEP.
Viewing of Council Meeting videos and transcripts
reveals a liturgy of disinformation from
council staff with an apparent aim to manipulate
Councillors into reneging on a 2013 commitment
to retain a semblance of historic character
in the re-build of the Pretty Point Bridge.
Back then the BVSC nominated itself for an
Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia
Excellence Award for an innovative bridge
design that combined a modern steel Unibridge
with the lovely old wooden trusses attached
(in a non-loadbearing capacity), as an aesthetic
homage to the bridge's heritage standing.
A cynical, self-serving stratagem, one might
ask? Well, so it would seem - because now
the hitherto lauded scheme has been downgraded
to a mere costing inconvenience, with both
staff and Councillors openly stating their
willingness to 'sacrifice' the Pretty Point
Bridge (the most significant and only truss
timber bridge managed by the shire) in favour
of the maintenance of 'those coastal bridges
so dear to their hearts' (regardless of inferior
heritage status.)
For decades the fact that the needs of the
outlying southern communities have been largely
ignored by the Burghers of Bega has sorely
chafed residents. Ironically, however, this
has actually worked in their favour. That
systemic disinterest and under-development
has delivered a pristine rural environment
that remains true to its antecedent settlement;
mapping and conserving the history in a way
that is unspoilt and beyond priceless.
The Pretty Point and New Buildings Bridges,
a heritage pigeon pair, are remnant markers
in the weft of the fabric that forms this
historic landscape. And these bridges stand
on the very by-roads that are set to deliver
arguable the most significant tourism assets
on the Far South Coast. Because down here
beats the heart of the convergence of cultural
tourism (the Bundian Way), eco tourism (the
wilderness coast) and a literal trove of
post-colonial/socio-historic tourism gems
(regarding Ben Boyd, Saint Mary Mackillop,
the Kiandra Goldrush Trail, to name but three.)
In the case of the later grouping, all roads
emanate from Eden and lead variously through
Pambula, Lochiel, Burragate and Wyndham to
Rocky Hall and thence up the convict-built
Big Jack Mountain road to the Monaro and
Council needs to revisit the Pretty Point
Bridge debacle, rescind their misdirected
motion to scrap the heritage trusses and
then partner with the community to secure
the restoration of those trusses to their
rightful place on the very admirable steel
Unibridge. The patronising and condescending
suggestions (made in the Council Meetings)
that the community could be appeased by mounting
a truss in the local park and/or giving some
bridge timber to the Wyndham Men's shed is
beyond offensive.
To quote the Federal Government's Productivity
Commission Report 2006:
'It is essential to local authorities' credibility
as stewards of the wider historic environment
that they set a good example in the management
of their own heritage assets. This means
demonstrably achieving the standards they
expect of others.'
March 1, 1896
*The Government have at last decided to have
a bridge constructed over the Mataganah River,
near Wyndham.
October 4, 1901
'Bombala Times and Manaro and Coast Districts
General Advertiser'
* At a meeting of the Progress Committee,
held on Monday night, there were present
Rev. J. L. Forbes (chairman) and Messrs F.H.
Phillips, T. H. Wellings, C. Downton, J.
Hopkins, C. E. Walcott, F. J. Keon, and G.
R. Phillipps hon. sec. A good deal of ordinary
routine business was transacted, and, in
addition, it was resolved to cordially cooperate
with the Towamba Progress Committee in endeavouring
to obtain the construction of a bridge across
the Towamba river, at Towamba. The secretary
read a copy of a statement presented by him
to Mr. Usher, of the Railway Department,
relative to the prospects of intermediate
traffic for the proposed line of railway
from Bombala to Eden by way of Bondi, and
was unanimously accorded a special vote of
thanks for the skill and care he had exercised
in the preparation of the statement. The
bylaws were amended to provide for the ordinary
meeting to be held on the Monday on or immediately
preceding full moon, and other matters of
minor importance were also dealt with.
Sat 11 Nov 1905
'The Bega Budget'
A general meeting of the Towamba Progress
Association was held at the local hall on
Saturday night last. Mr. J. Hartneady occupied
the chair. The minutes of the last meeting
were read and confirmed. Correspondence was
read as follows : -
From the Public Works Department (through
W. H. Wood, Esq):
In reply to your letter of the 24th ultimo,
stating that certain land near Towamba through
which the road to Yambulla at present in
use runs, has been sold, and the purchaser
intends to fence same, thus blocking the
traffic: I have the honor to inform you that
the maintenance men have been instructed
to clear a bye-track.
With reference to your letter of the 7th
August last, urging the construction of a
culvert and approaches at the township of
Towamba, on road from Eden to Towamba: I
have the honor to inform you that the Minister
has approved of tenders being invited at
once for this culvert, and instructions will
be issued accordingly.
With reference to your letter of the 22nd
August, presented by you from the Towamba
Progress Association urging the clearing
of the road from Towamba to the cemetery,
I have the honor to inform you that it is
reported this is a fair track, following
a sound granite
ridge which has been sufficiently cleared
by the residents for all reasonable requirements,
and it is not the practice of the Department
to grant moneys for improvements to country
cemeteries. The Minister cannot see his way
to approve of any expenditure on this road.
With reference to your letter bearing date
8th August, presented by you from the Towamba
Progress Association applying for a grant
of £150, for the purpose of road from Kelly's
store across Towamba River, terminating near
the Public School, I have the honor by direction
to inform you it is reported that the existing
improved road is sufficient to meet all legitimate
traffic requirements, and the Minister cannot
therefore see his way clear to sanction a
grant as asked.
With reference to your letter of the 10th
August, presented by Towamba Progress Association,
urging the construction of a bridge over
the Towamba River at Towamba, on the road
from Towamba via Bondi to Maharatta Bridge,
I have the honor to inform you that it is
not considered the extent of traffic and
the obstruction caused by the river justify
the very large cost of a bridge, and the
Minister cannot therefore see his way to
accede to the request.
With reference to your letter of the 8th
August respecting the dangerous state of
culvert in front of Police Station on road
to Yambulla, and urging the erection of handrails,
I have the honor to inform you that instructions
have been issued for this work to be carried
From the Postmaster-General: -
With reference to your communication of
the 8th August last, asking, on behalf of
the Towamba Progress Association, Towamba,
for a delivery of telegrams within a radius
of one mile of the local post office, I desire
to inform you I have had inquiry made in
the matter, and enclose herewith a copy of
a report submitted by the Deputy Postmaster-General,
Sydney, together with a recommendation by
himself and the secretary to the effect that
the delivery applied for would not be justified,
and this recommendation has been approved.
After some discussion about the last matter
it was resolved that the following letter
be forwarded to Mr. Chapman: - I have been
instructed by the Progress Association to
thank you for your efforts in connection
with our application for the delivery of
telegrams within
a radius of one mile of the Towamba post
office. With reference to the report as submitted
by the Deputy Postmaster-General, and on
which our application has been refused, we
wish to say we are of the opinion that (although
our request may not be justified) we have
been overridden with individual influence
in the matter, inasmuch the interrogator
has to some extent been misled.
It was resolved that the secretary draw
up a petition to be signed by all concerned
in the construction of a traffic bridge across
the river, and forwarded to the Minister
for Works through Mr. W. H. Wood, M.L.A.
It was decided that application be made for
the suspension of the Act with regard to
the registration of dogs for the Towamba
district, owing to the incessant increase
of rabbits.
Subscription lists in connection with the
School of Arts movement were laid on the
table by the secretary, and it was decided
that a public meeting be convened for the
25th inst. for the purpose of electing a
committee to carry out the work.
A plain and fancy dress ball in aid of the
local band took place on Monday last, and
notwithstanding the flooded river and the
inclemency of the weather during the day
it proved very successful.
A school picnic which promises to be a big
thing takes place on Monday, 13th inst.
February 10, 1909
'The Bega Budget '
* Residents of Towamba appreciate the efforts
of Mr. W. H. Wood who has succeeded in getting
a sum of £3000 for a traffic bridge across
Towamba river.
July 27, 1909
'The Sydney Morning Herald'
* A composite truss bridge is to be built
over Sportsman's Creek, on the road South-gate
to Broadwater, and a similar class of bridge
is to be built over the Towamba River at
Sturt, on the Towamba road to Pericoe.
August 31, 1909
'The Sydney Morning Herald'
* Among the tenders dealt with by the Tender,
Board of the Public Works Department yesterday
were eight prices for erecting a bridge,
over the Towamba River at Sturt. The lowest
price was £3756, or if concrete piers be
substituted the price would be increased
to £4263.
'The Southern Record and Advertiser'
25 February 1911
(From our Correspondent.)
The most popular remarks of the present day
is, lovely weather; yes; every prospect of
a splendid winter; and every one appears
to be pleased with things in general. The
Local Horse Races have been postponed indefinitely
and probably will not take place this year.
The new bridge is nearly completed, and our
worthy chairman of the Progress Committee
can claim the honor of being the first to
traverse the bridge with heavy material per
horse and cart. Though the bridge is not
open to public traffic our citizen referred
to (Mr. W. Beasley) has drawn the metal across
to complete the northern approach, and the
residents have not over-looked preparations
for the official opening of the bridge; which
is to take place in the form of an opening
ceremony, banquet picnic, and ball at night,
which with the present beautiful season should
prove to be a gala day for Towamba, the date
of the occasion has not been de finitely
decided. Messrs Folland and Party are making
rapid progress in rebuilding the culvert
which was washed away during the recent heavy
rain. A Frenchman, (whose name is beyond
my ken) travelling with advertisements, showed
by magic lantern to a fair house to night
and gave a very comprehensive description
of each picture, which re presented, England,
Australia, South Africa, and China. He dwelt
very strongly on matters of defence, especially,
'Australia's,' defence.
TOWAMBA BRIDGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 1910. Note the flying fox linking the two poles on either side of the river. Photo Mary Mitchell Collection, Eden Killer Whale Museum. |
March 16 , 1911
'Mullumbimby Star '
* A bridge costing £5000, and which is claimed
to be one of the best structures of the kind
in N.S.W., was opened at Towamba (South Coast)
by Mr W. H. Wood, M.L.A.
'The Southern Record and Advertiser'
18 March 1911
(From our Correspondent.)
Monday, the 6th instant, was ushered in with
a beautiful clear atmosphere, which as the
day wore on became almost unpleasantly hot.
This was the day set upon for the official
opening of the new Towamba bridge, and I
think it must have come as a specialty, for
one could not ask for a better. Just before
12 o'clock the Honorables Austin Chapman
and W. H. Wood and visiting party arrived
per motor car; and, a few minutes later,
another party arrived per car, including
Dr. Clouston and Rev. Father Kenny. After
a hurried reception, the visiting parties
and a large crowd of people adjourned to
the bridge. The chairman of the Bridge Committee,
Councillor Alexander, began the proceedings
by briefly explaining the purpose of the
gathering, and left the rest to the Hon.
W. H. Wood, who in a short but well-directed
speech declared the bridge open, subject
to the final inspection being satisfactory,
which takes place this week. The motor parties
then drove across the bridge, returned, and
proceeded to the Hall, where the banquet
spread was in waiting. Some fifty-six persons
sat down to enjoy the good things provided,
which reflected credit on the caterer, Mr.
Joseph McKee. The usual toasts were proposed,
honored, and responded to with short, practical
and humorous speeches. From thence we moved
to the recreation ground, where all and sundry
seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, the
jolly miller and the jolly maid alternately
making their grab. The ball at night was
a marked success, some 70 couples being in
at tendance, making a happy throng in deed,
dancing to the sweet strains of piano, cornet
and violin, manipulated by Messrs Hamilton
and Meares (Pambula) and Power (Wyndham).
Extras were supplied by Messrs Young and
Hartneady (Towamba), and Mr. Love (Perico).
During the night we had some 30 odd points
of rain, and to-night it is raining heavily.
Mr. Joseph Miradian, of Yambulla, was buried
on Sunday at Towamba. That same gentleman
will be greatly missed at Yambulla. He has
acted a father's part to many people much
older than himself.
View of Towamba village looking east with
bridge. pre 1919 Couresty Dickie Family |
Towamba Bridge opening ceremony. 1911 | |
Towamba Bridge in all its splendor. Pre 1919 Courtesy Susan Love (Enie Love Photo Collection) |
Towamba Bridge pre 1919 Courtesy Dickie Family |
Wed 12 Mar 1919
Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah, NSW
Particulars of the floods on the far South
Coast show that the loss caused by the flood
waters has been enormous.
Hundreds of bridges were severely damaged.
In the Pambula , Wyndham and Eden districts
the damage has been exceptionally heavy.
A bridge over Rocky Hall River on the Plain
road from Wyndham to Rocky Hall has been
swept away, whilst a large bridge 30 feet
high at Towamba, erected about nine years
ago at a, cost of £6000, has also been destroyed.
A new bridge over Kiah River, linking Eden
with the Victorian border, was swept into
the sea. Every bridge on the road from Pambula
to Bombbala via Wyndham has been destroyed
It is estimated that bridges and large culverts
to the value of £40,000 have been destroyed.
The waters of the Pambula River have done
great damage, sweeping away miles of fencing.
Farms on the flat country have been inundated.
March 19, 1919
'The Bega Budget'
* The demolition of the Towamba bridge has
had the effect of resuscitating the local
progress association, and Captain Millard
is to be asked to urge the Government to
rebuild the bridge without delay.
The Bombala Times'
Fri 21 Jan 1921
A New Bridge.
Something of the romance of engineering was
pictured by Mr. S. M. Cummins, supervising
engineer of the Goulburn Public Works Office
yesterday, when he made the announcement
that the new bridge over the Towamba River
at Towamba (somewhere down near (the border)
was open to traffic, says the 'Goulburn Herald.'
"The Towamba River is one of those
wild mountain streams which do unexpected
things," he
said. "It is crossed by the main tourist
road, which leads from Nowra to the railway
head in
Victoria- Orbost- and the bridge over it
at Towamba is a national one, and thus under
our care and control. It was a high level
bridge before the flood in February, 1919;
now it is a low level bridge. It is a most
important bridge, but it will stand now."
He went on to explain the difference between
high-level and the low-level bridges. The
former are built above the level of the highest
flood known, and in order to accommodate
the biggest trees which may be washed down
it by the floods, are made in huge spans-
90 to 120 feet in this case. Such great spans
make it necessary to have a different type
of construction to that used in ordinary
every-day bridges. The weight is that taken
on the lower member of the bridge, but is supported by
bolts- really hung from the top of the high
sides. The side members of each span are
built in the form of four-sided figures-
familiar enough in big river, bridges, braced
and strengthened by stays and bolts. These
are very powerful as far as vertical strain
goes, but weak from the view point of side
They will not stand a very heavy push from
the side, although they will carry great
weights. As they are above all floods, this
as a matter of no concern.
The Towamba bridge consisted of three such
spans, high in the air, with approaches of
ordinary bridgework. Then the Towamba River
made its name. Twenty inches of rain fell
up in the hills, and down it came. The flood
rose fifty feet, and not only did it rise
up to the bridge, but actually covered the
topmost parts of it. The result was easy
to foresee. Over went the bridge.
It was simply pushed aside and swept down
the river for a few hundred yards.
The Towamba bridge was not the only one that
suffered. All over the Shire the damage was
tremendous, and the Government came to the
aid of the Council with a big grant of money,
well as repairing all the national bridges.
Twelve miles up the river, as the crow flies,
was another bridge- at a place called New
Buildings. This suffered also. It was an
old bridge- forty years at least while the
Towamba bridge was only three years in use.
The remains of the Towamba bridge were salved,
but were so twisted, bent, and broken, that
it was useless to think of replacing them
at Towamba. Yet they could not be wasted.
The alternative was to rebuild the New Buildings
bridge out of these salved parts. A few castings
and bolts, some paint and the New Buildings'
bridge was as new as anything in the country.
It did not matter so much at New Buildings,
because between that strangely-named spot-
Towamba three or four streams entered the
river, and therefore caused it to rise much
higher at the latter place than the former.
Then came the work of rebuilding the Towamba
bridge. Clearly, it was useless putting a
high level bridge there, for the flood might
rise 90 feet next time, and sweep it away,
even if
it were made ten feet higher or twenty feet
higher. Hence a low level structure was decided
The characteristics of a low bridge are
short spans and many supporting girders running
right angles to the stream, and the whole
weight is taken on these girders. Hence,
they can
stand a fairly heavy push on the side without
budging. When a flood comes the bridge can
stand it all until the water gets above it,
and then the timber that comes rolling down
the river floats calmly overhead. The bridge
is safely submerged. It sounds paradoxical
at first, but the reason is there. It is
not the water that breaks bridges down, but
the timber that the water brings with it.
And so there is now a low level bridge at
Towamba. It was opened last week, and already
hundreds of cars have sped over it, their
occupants probably giving not a moment's
thought to
the hours of study and weeks of working that
went in its erection.
'Magnet' March 1929
* Repairs to Towamba Bridge - defective planking
* Request by Towamba Citizens for cement
culverts over Jingera and Stoney Creeks and
a bridge at Nullica for all weather access.
Boiler washed down river during heavy flood.
c.1911 Photo Mary Mitchell Collection, Eden Killer Whale Museum |
The flood of 1919 swept the Towamba bridge
away as it did every bridge on the Towamba
river. Sections of the Towamba bridge ended
up on the river flat at Model Farm and later
retrieved and some of the timber was used
to rebuild New Buildings bridge.
View from Dickie's flat as the flood waters
recede. Looking east. Bridge gone. 1919 Courtesy Dickie Family |
Footbridge across the Towamba River after
bridge was swept away in 1919. Remains of bridge on left. Courtesy Dickie Family |
Dickie's flat after 1919 flood. Looking up river. Courtesy Dickie Family |
Crossing the river. Courtesy Dickie Family |
Crossing the river on the second bridge in
a flood. After the first bridge was swept away in the 1919 flood a low level bridge was built to replace it. However, because of the regular floods and the build-up of river sand against the bridge and underneath it, it didn't need much of a flood for the water to go over the bridge. Courtesy Dickie Family |
Crossing the river on the second bridge in
a flood. Courtesy Dickie Family |
Local sawmill possibly cutting timber for
the first or second bridge at Towamba. Courtesy Dickie Family. |
Building the second bridge over the Towamba
River at Towamba. Hartneady's store in background. Courtesy Dickie Family |
'Magnet' July 19, 1930
The Divisional Engineer forwarded specifications
of the duties of caretaker and stated that
written tenders for the position would be
'Magnet' August 2, 1930
* Tender for caretaker for bridge over Towamba
river at New Buildings.
Building Towamba's second bridge. c.1920 |
Bridge over Towamba River at foot of Big
Jack Mountain Photo K. Clery |
(This information was gathered in an interview
with Fred Whitby of Rocky Hall by local historian
Ruth Merceica of Wyndham)
About 1883 there was a combined Progress
Association of Burragate, Rocky Hall, Towamba
and Wyndham. This association requested the
building of the bridge across the Towamba
The first bridge was constructed in 1883
as a result of the combined Progress Association's
In 1919 the floods wiped out all the bridges
on the Towamba River. At this point in time
the mail ran through Rocky Hall from Pambula
to Bombala and beyond, so the New Buildings
Bridge had high priority and work was commenced
on the new structure almost immediately and
the bridge was completed either in 1919 or
The urgency of the situation forced the
use of some timbers and mainly fittings that
could be salvaged from the wreck of the Towamba
Bridge. (Fred Whitby's father burnt the charcoal
for the blacksmiths.)
The name New Buildings was given to the
area first because the very active Benjamin
Boyd built there in 1840. An Inn was erected
there and also a school in a hut. This was
a private school long before public or Christian
schools had been established in the area.
Boyd had paid 4 or 5 pounds an acre for
his plot. Land at that time would have sold
for about £1 pound an acre. Boyd used
the area as a resting paddock for his stock
that were heading for Boyd Town on Twofold
Another early entrepreneur who added to the
building boom at New Buildings was William
Hibburd who built another Inn at Rocky Hall.
August 27, 1884
'The Bega Standard and Candelo, Merimbula,
Pambula, Eden, Wolumla, and General Advertiser.'
The ceremony of opening the new bridge over
the Towamba River at the New Building, on
the Big Jack road, took place on Thursday
last. There were about two hundred of the
residents of the surrounding districts present,
including a large percentage of the fair
sex. There would doubtless have been a much
larger muster but for the heavy rain that
fell the day previous, and the threatening
weather on the day of the demonstration.
The Bombala Brass Band was present, but the
tunes played were like angels' visits - few
far between - otherwise their attendance
might have made the proceedings much more
enjoyable. Although Jupiter Pluvius scowled
on the assemblage, his black looks did not
deter those present from making the most
of the day's outing and endeavoring to make
all things pass off pleasantly on the great
gala day for Wyndham and Rocky Hall. Messrs.
Diversi and Turbett, of the Wyndham and Robbie
Burns Hotels respectively, had booths on
the scene of the festivities. The committee
consisted of Messrs. Thos. Collins, Hutchison,
Spears, J. Whitby, Diversi, P. Conlon, Prosser,
W. McCarthy, Hibburd, Devereux, R. Farrell
and McDonough with J. O'Connor as secretary,
and they did all they could to make the day
a 'red letter' one in the annals of the district.
There was a 'display' of bunting on the most
prominent portions of the bridge, but it
was not such that would stir up patriotic
feelings in the most ardent breast. The bridge
is an important one, situated as it is on
a road that must come into favour as the
main highway between Monaro and the sea when
the Big Jack road difficulty is got over
and an easy grade made up the mountain. The
bridge itself is a very substantial and faithful
piece of workmanship, reflecting great credit
upon the contractors. It is 244 feet long,
consisting of three 30-feet spans and two
75-feet truss spans, the width between the
curb logs on the decking between the latter
being 14ft. 6in., and between the former
16ft. The height of the bridge from the bed
of the river is about twenty feet, and the
bridge is supported by three sets of piles
driven to ' bottom ' in the river. The middle
pier, supporting the two truss spans or girders,
is built into a solid block of concrete,
embedded on rock in the centre of the river,
and is neatly plastered on the outside. The
dimensions of the concrete are: length 36ft.,
width 6ft., and height 9ft. The pier consists
of nine piles and two shorter ones at the
ends to which the raking piles are collected,
and firmly braced together with 6 x 12 walings
and braces, and on this pier the two main
girders are supported. The spans consist
of three members each 12 x 4 , firmly strapped
and bolted together, and are thus rendered
much stronger than if in one piece of wood,
because to get them the right length, a tree
would have to be very thick at the butt,
to enable it to be squared at the top to
leave the sap wood out; and unless a very
large tree was chosen, the whole of the heart,
which is very brittle, would have to be left
in. The trees suitable to get the required
amount of wood out of were chosen, and, in
fact, were ready squared, but from the very
rough nature of the country, it was found
to be impossible to draw them to the bridge;
and the spans had to be made of three distinct
pieces. The girders, four in number, are
of orthodox style, and the structure resembles
the Bega bridge, but is not so long. The
decking, railing and everything in connection
with bridge is first-class, and the painting
sets off the erection. Every piece is strongly
bolted together with wrought iron bolts,
which will keep the Pioneer Bridge together as long as the Towamba River lasts.
On Mr. Hibburd, as pioneer of the district,
was conferred the honor of naming the bridge.
At about one o'clock the school-children
present were marshalled into line by Mr.
Hutchison, teacher of the Rocky Hall School,
and, preceded by the band, marched on to
the bridge. Mr. Hibburd then addressed those
present, comparing the times when this river
had been one of the greatest troubles on
the Big Jack Road, which was the best route
to the sea-port, with the present time. He
remembered when teams on the road to Monaro
had been bogged on the hill close to this
spot, and when he was younger he had tried
to get a road made but people then said it
was no good agitating unless they had houses.
But if they did not agitate unless they had
houses they would have to stop in the bush.
The speaker thanked the residents for the
honor conferred upon him in getting him to
name the bridge. Mr. J. O'Connor, on Mr Hibburd's
behalf, read out the following address: 'This
day's proceedings will, I am sure, be long
remembered by all in the district, inasmuch
as the structure we are now viewing is the
first of any importance that has been erected,
and the name conferred upon it is suggestive
of its being the first. I trust the building
is only the initiative of greater undertakings
that will be of a benefit to the district.
A few years ago few people thought that we
would so soon have the pleasure of seeing
such a handsome structure erected ; but the
fact of its existence tends to show that
a fair amount of agitation tempered with
reason and assisted by such excellent members
as this district has that the Government
are always willing; to grant them assistance
in any project they advocate.' Mr. Hibburd
then dexterously broke the bottle of champagne
and named the structure 'The Pioneer Bridge.'
Three cheers were then given for the Road
Superintendent, three for the contractors,
and three for the pioneer, Mr. Hibburd. The
bridge was then declared open for traffic.
The children were next marched on to the
green, where, after giving three more cheers
for the veteran, they were regaled with sweetmeats.
After a little delay in preparing the dinner
table, as many as could be accommodated sat
down to a repast prepared by Mr. Diversi.
Here the only fault in the arrangements was
apparent, the table room being insufficient
to seat all at once and the table was filled
three times. When all were satisfied the
speechifying took place, Mr. T. Collins occupying
the chair and Mr. G. Pressor the vice chair.
The chairman regretted that the unsettled
weather had somewhat marred the success of
the day's proceedings, and but for the rain
there would doubtless have been more friends
from a distance present. However, the rain
would make the grass grow and that was a
consideration in this district. He was glad
to see so many present and he was echoing
the sentiments of the committee in welcoming
them to the festivities of the bridge opening.
It seemed a very short time, in fact only
like yesterday, since they had petitioned
Government for the bridge that was now completed.
He concluded by proposing '' The Queen and
Royal Family,' which was drunk with honors.
Mr. G. Pressor proposed ' The Superintendent
of Roads.' He had much pleasure in proposing
this toast. He was personally unacquainted
with the gentleman; but he would depart from
the general rule of running down public officers,
as he thought by using conciliatory language
more good could be done. As far as he, the
speaker, could see, the Super, was an efficient
officer and he hoped he would long remain
in the district; and the best thing they
could do if they wanted anything done to
the roads was to keep in with him. Mr. O'Toole,
in the absence of any public officer, returned
thanks in a very laudatory speech.
Mr. Collins gave 'The Contractors, Messrs.
Sims and Co.' As a contractor himself he
could sympathise with difficulties under
which Sims and Co. labored. In the first
place they had to please the Super., in the
next, public opinion, which everyone knew
was a most tyrannical master, and last of
all, themselves. He thought the work just
turned out of hand was of the best, and it
would take the eye of an experienced engineer
to detect any faults, and they would be but
minor ones. He spoke of the bridge as a masterpiece
in design and workmanship, and a credit to
the contractors. Mr. Sims responded, thanking
those present for the manner in which the
toast had been received, and for the very
flattering remarks of the chairman. It was
un necessary for him to say anything about
the bridge, it would speak for itself. From
the first he had striven to do good conscientious
work. He thanked the residents of the district
for their many kindnesses, which he would
remember as long as he lived. He might go
to a hundred districts and not meet the same
kindness as he did in this part, and would
be sorry to leave them. Mr. O'Toole proposed
' Success to the Wyndham district,' testifying
to its importance, and as one that should
receive attention from the Government. Seeing
such a stretch of good country it was a puzzle
to him why the erection of the bridge should
have been so long delayed. He spoke of the
good that could be achieved by pulling together
and keeping things astir, and when, as a
friend of his mentioned to-day, Eden was
connected with the other parts of the district
by rail, Wyndham would come into note. Mr.
Prossor returned thanks. He was very glad
to see representatives of the two papers
present, as they could do much good for the
district by telling them how people in other
parts could get a good living off a small
piece of land. He wished to open the eyes
of the people to the imposition by commission
agents in Sydney, and hoped the papers would
make a note of it. He had seen two receipts
for bark sent from this part, one being from
a petty agent, and the other from a big firm.
The price given per ton by the former's receipts
was £6 5s, and by the latter's £8 10s. He
mentioned this to show how they were imposed
upon. Although nature had placed obstacles
in their way, he thought that by industry,
sobriety, and other virtues, they would overcome
such. Mr. P. Conlon gave ' The Members, Messrs.
Clarke and Garvan,' praising both gentlemen,
but more especially Mr. Garvan, who, when
he had travelled this way a few years ago,
promised to do all he could for the bridge,
and he mentioned the fulfilment of that promise
as a proof of his honesty of purpose. He
thought the next thing to go in for was a
good road up the mountain, and they should
go in the right way to get a new survey and
money voted to make a good road. Mr. W. D.
Neilley, on behalf of Mr. Clarke, and Mr.
Devereux, for Mr. Garvan, returned thanks,
both speaking of the importance of the occasion
of the Bridge opening. Mr. C. Sherwin in
a most gallant speech proposed ' The Ladies,'
and two gay young bachelors returned thanks
on their behalf. Mr. Hutchison in a very
natty speech gave ' The Press and its liberty,'
to which Mr. O'Toole (Union), and Mr. W.
D. Neilley (Standard), returned thanks. The
toast of ' The Visitors ' by Mr. Conlon,
and responded to by Mr. Devereux brought
the proceedings to a close. A dance was held
in Mr. Diversi's Assembly Room in the evening,
which was well attended, and dancing was
kept up with vigor until six o'clock next
May 16, 1919
'The Bombala Times'
A surveyor has taken levels for a low-level
bridge at Towamba in place of the one recently
washed away by the flood. The experience
of the late flood has proved conclusively
that the low-level bridge, which offers the
minimum of resistance to flood waters, is
best suited to this and other south coastal
July 11, 1919
'The Bombala Times'
* Mr. W. Millard, M.L.A., has been advised
by the Public Works Department that instructions
have been issued to have tenders invited
at the earliest possible moment for a bridge
over the Towamba River at New Buildings.
Also, with reference to the bridge over the
Towamba River at Kiah, that plans and specifications
have been taken and the matter of design
is under consideration as to whether the
circumstances of the case warrant construction
of a high level bridge, or whether a low
level bridge of a more substantial design
than that washed away is to be proceeded
January 21, 1921
'The Bombala Times'
A New Bridge.
Something of the romance of engineering was
pictured by Mr. S. M. Cummins, supervising
engineer of the Goulburn Public Works Office
yesterday, when he made the announcement
that the new bridge over the Towamba River
at Towamba (somewhere down near (the border)
was open to traffic, says the 'Goulburn Herald.'
"The Towamba River is one of those wild
mountain streams which do unexpected things,"
he said. "It is crossed by the main
tourist road, which leads from Nowra to the
railway head in Victoria- Orbost- and the
bridge over it at Towamba is a national one,
and thus under our care and control. It was
a high level bridge before the flood in February,
1919; now it is a low level bridge. It is
a most important bridge, but it will stand
now." He went on to explain the difference
between high-level and the low-level bridges.
The former are built above the level of the
highest flood known, and in order to accommodate
the biggest trees which may be washed down
it by the floods, are made in huge spans-
90 to 120 feet in this case. Such great spans
make it necessary to have a different type
of construction to that used in ordinary
every-day bridges. The weight is that taken
on the lower member of the bridge, but is
supported by bolts- really hung from the
top of the high sides. The side members of
each span are built in the form of four-sided
figures- familiar enough in big river, bridges,
braced and' strengthened by stays and bolts.
These are very powerful as far as vertical
strain goes, but weak from the view point
of side stress. They will not stand a very
heavy push from the side, although they will
carry great weights. As they are above all
floods, this as a matter of no concern. The
Towamba bridge consisted of three such spans,
high in the air, with approaches of ordinary
bridgework. Then the Towamba River made its
name. Twenty inches of rain fell up in the
hills, and down it came. The flood rose fifty
feet, and not only did it rise up to the
bridge, but actually covered the topmost
parts of it. The result was easy to foresee.
Over went the bridge. It was simply pushed
aside and swept down the river for a few
hundred yards. The Towamba bridge was not
the only one that suffered. All over the
Shire the damage was tremendous, and the
Government came to the aid of the Council
with a big grant of money, as well as repairing
all the national bridges. Twelve miles up
the river, as the crow flies, was another
bridge- at a place called New Buildings.
This suffered al so. It was an old bridge-
forty years at least while the Towamba bridge
was only three years in use. The remains
of the Towamba bridge were salved, but were
so twisted, bent, and broken, that it was
useless to think of replacing them at Towamba.
Yet they could not be wasted. The alternative
was to rebuild the New Buildings bridge out
of these salved parts. A few castings and
bolts, some paint and the New Buildings'
bridge was as new as anything in the country.
It did not matter so much at New Buildings,
because between that strangely-named spot
and Towamba three or four streams entered
the river, and therefore caused it to rise
much higher at the latter place than the
former. Then came the work of re building
the Towamba bridge. Clearly, it was useless
putting a high level bridge there, for the
flood might rise 90 feet next time, and sweep
it away, even if it were made ten feet higher
or twenty feet higher. Hence a low level
structure was decided on. The characteristics
of a low bridge are short spans and many
supporting girders running at right angles
to the stream, and the whole weight is taken
on these girders. Hence, they can stand a
fairly heavy push on the side without budging.
When a flood comes the bridge can stand it
all until the water gets above it, and then
the timber that comes rolling down the river
floats calmly overhead. The bridge is safely
submerged. It sounds paradoxical at first,
but the reason is there. It is not the water
that breaks bridges down, but the timber
that the water brings with it. And so there
is now a low level bridge at Towamba. It
was opened last week, and already hundreds
of cars have sped over it, their occupants
probably giving not a moment's thought to
the hours of study and weeks of working that
went in its erection.
'Magnet' November 28, 1931
* New Buildings Bridge re-classified as a
National Work.
NEW BUILDINGS BRIDGE CONSTRUCTED FROM PARTS OF TOWAMBA BRIDGE SWEPT AWAY IN 1919 FLOOD. The New Buildings Bridge is a Dare type timber truss bridge and was completed in 1921. Jean McPaul Collection, Eden Killer Whale Museum |
The New Buildings bridge is a Dare type timber
truss bridge, and was completed in 1921.
In 1998 it was in good condition.
As a timber truss road bridge, it has many
associational links with important historical
events, trends, and people, including the
expansion of the road network and economic
activity throughout NSW, and Harvey Dare,
the designer of this type of truss.
Dare trusses were fifth in the five stage
design evolution of NSW timber truss road
bridges. They were similar to Allan trusses,
but contain improvements which make them
stronger and easier to maintain. This engineering
enhancement represents a significant evolution
of the design of timber truss bridges, and
gives Dare trusses some technical significance.
In 1998 there were 27 surviving Dare trusses
in NSW of the 40 built, and 82 timber truss
road bridges survive from the over 400 built.
The New Buildings bridge is a representative
example of Dare timber truss road bridges,
and is assessed as being State significant,
primarily on the basis of its technical and
historical significance.
Timber truss road bridges have played a significant
role in the expansion and improvement of
the NSW road network. Prior to the bridges
being built, river crossings were often dangerous
in times of rain, which caused bulk freight
movement to be prohibitively expensive for
most agricultural and mining produce. Only
the high priced wool clip of the time was
able to carry the costs and inconvenience
imposed by the generally inadequate river
crossings that often existed prior to the
trusses construction.
Timber truss bridges were preferred by the
Public Works Department from the mid 19th
to the early 20th century because they were
relatively cheap to construct, and used mostly
local materials. The financially troubled
governments of the day applied pressure to
the Public Works Department to produce as
much road and bridge work for as little cost
as possible, using local materials. This
condition effectively prohibited the use
of iron and steel, as these, prior to the
construction of the steel works at Newcastle
in the early 20th century, had to be imported
from England.
Harvey Dare, the designer of Dare truss
and other bridges, was a leading engineer
in the Public Works Department, and a prominent
figure in early 20th century NSW.
Timber truss bridges and timber bridges
generally were so common that NSW was known
to travellers as the "timber bridge
Historical Significance
Through the bridge's association with the
expansion of the NSW road network, its ability
to demonstrate historically important concepts
such as the gradual acceptance of NSW people
of American design ideas, and its association
with Harvey Dare, it has historical significance.
Aesthetic Significance
The bridge exhibits the technical excellence
of its design, as all of the structural detail
is clearly visible. In the context of its
landscape it is visually attractive. As such,
the bridge has moderate aesthetic significance.
Social Significance
The New Buildings bridge is valued by the
people of Wyndham because of its long service
as a river crossing in the area. Timber truss
bridges are prominent to road travellers,
and NSW has in the past been referred to
as the "timber truss bridge state".
Through this, the complete set of bridges
gain some social significance, as they could
be said to be held in reasonable esteem by
many travellers in NSW.
Technical Significance
Integrity/Intactness Intact Representativeness
Representative of Dare truss bridges Rarity
A rare example of a three span Dare truss.
In 1998 there were 27 surviving Dare trusses
in NSW of the 40 built, and 82 timber truss
road bridges survive from the over 400 built
Sourced from the RTA Website
'Magnet' March 31, 1934
* Towamba P & C asked Council to concrete
approaches to the bridge over the Towamba
River. Also for a bridge to be built over
Nullica Creek on the Towamba-Eden Road.
'Magnet' May 26, 1934
* Request by Council that a 35 ft. span be
added at each end of Towamba bridge as approaches
are washed away each flood. -- approaches
are the responsibility of Council - the bridge
is the responsibility of Public Works Dept.
Towamba's second bridge. 1947. Towamba Store and hall in background. Photo courtesy of Bega Family Museum. |
People on Towamba'a second bridge - eventually
covered by sand. c. 1958 Photo courtesy C. and G. Clements |
'Magnet' October 27, 1934
The Minister for Works wrote that the maintenance
of Towamba bridge approaches was entirely
Council's responsibility. The shire engineer
reported it would cost £60 to concrete the
approaches at each end. It was decided to
ask the Department through Mr. Hedges. M.L.A.
to assist in the work.
'The Southern Record and Advertiser'
Feb 2 1934
The Engineer reported that South Wolumla
bridge, for which an advance of £1500 was
obtained, would be constructed for approximately
£1000. It was resolved that the
L.G. Department be asked for approval to
expend the balance of £500 in construction
of low level bridges at Big Flat (South Wolumla
road) and Stock Yard Creek (New Building
road to Rocky Hall).
Crs. Robertson, Lee and Collins were appointed
a deputation to interview the Premier at
Bega and make application for a special grant
of £1950 for flood damages.
The L.G. Department advised that the Council's
endowment for years 1934-5-6 had been fixed
at £1600, an increase of £100 on the previous
The Engineer's recommendation to submit an
amended programme of works for main roads
for 1934 to include portions of roads damaged
by the recent flood rains, was approved.
Sydney Mail
Wed 24 Oct 1934
The Towamba River, New South Wales.
FEW rivers have as many names as the Towamba,
which rises in the Big Jack Mountain and
empties into the sea at Twofold Bay, South
Coast, N.S.W. At the head of this river,
where it is known as the Rocky Hall, grow
some of the finest tree-ferns in the Commonwealth.
Here, also, is a greater variety of bush
birds and wild flowers and shrubs than I
have seen elsewhere in Australia. It is off
the beaten track and is really an unofficial
sanctuary. A little lower down when the river
reaches the little township of Burragate
it becomes the Burragate River.
The town is so small that one might go right
through it without knowing, but the scenery
about the river is beautiful, and birds and
animals are so tame that one would think
no white man had ever disturbed them. After
another short run through similar country
we reach the township of Towamba, where the
river assumes its most popular name. It retains
the name of the Towamba until the tidal water
is met, when another change is made. From
here down to where it empties into Twofold
Bay it is known as the Kiah River. It enters
Twofold Bay between two settlements now practically
deserted - Boydtown and East Boyd.
Had luck been with Benjamin Boyd rather than
against him these two deserted settlements
might have become cities, with a harbour
equal to any in the world. All about the
mouth of the river can be seen evidence of
Boyd's enterprise. There are the ruins of
the Gothic church, the old Sea Horse Inn,
the whaling station, and various other relics,
while out on the point may be seen the
famous Boyd Tower, the only lighthouse on
the Australian coast - and perhaps in any
part of the world - that has never shown
a light. - W.P.T.
Car overturned sometime after the bridge
at Rocky Hall was washed away in 1919. Courtesy Whitby Family |
Driving the piles for the first bridge over
Stockyard Creek, Rocky Hall. Courtesy Whitby Family |
'Magnet' February 23, 1935
* Rocky Hall Progress Association suggested
that a local man be employed for about two
days a month to attend to urgent matters
up on the Big Jack Mountain Road. Rocky Hall
residents wrote that they would supply round
timber to the value of £20 if council decided
to construct a bridge at the foot of Big
Jack Mountain from its own funds. Council
resolved that the parties be thanked for
their offer and it will consider the matter
at a later date and advise the result.
TOWAMBA BRIDGE. Towamba's third bridge built
in 1961. Towamba Store in background. Photo K. Clery 2008 |
'Magnet' March 2, 1935
* The agitation for the construction of a
low level bridge over the local river crossing
has been revived. The urgent need for this
work has been apparent to all as in flood
time a number of residents are cut off from
the public school, post office and butter
factory. Persons in a position to speak with
authority declare that the erection of such
a structure on this site would be neither
difficult nor costly.
'Magnet' March 9, 1935
A big movement in which residents of Rocky
Hall, Burragate, Towamba and Eden are participating,
is afoot with the object of bringing about
the construction of a bridge over the Towamba
(or Burragate) River at Burragate. Public
meetings at several of the country centres
have been held and it may be taken for granted
that the action decided upon by the districts
concerned to further the object in view,
will be to all intents and purposes unanimous.
The matter will be brought before Imlay Shire
Council at its next meeting and it may reasonably
be anticipated that it will meet with the
wholehearted support not only of 'C' Riding
councillors but of the whole of the members
of the Council. A glance at the map will
at once show the reasonableness of the request.
In particular the Rocky Hall district needs
an improved road to provide direct and constant
communication with the town and port of Eden,
a natural outlet for most of its products.
From the Prince's Highway at Nullica to Towamba
and Burragate the road is a main road. From
Burragate to New Buildings and Rocky Hall
the road is a secondary or minor road but
is of first class grade. Crossing this road
on the north side of Burragate township is
the unbridged river which at best provides
but a precarious crossing and in the rainy
season is frequently uncrossable. It is the
weakest and most dangerous spot in the whole
length of this, the most direct road from
Rocky Hall to Eden.
The need for the bridge is so obvious as
to render unnecessary any special argument
in support of the project. The main question
for consideration is one of ways and means.
An excellent site it is said, exists but
a short distance from the present crossing
and it is claimed that a low level bridge
would meet requirements and enable the utmost
economy in cost to be effected. The nature
of the structure suitable for the purpose
would of course be a matter for the shire
engineer and it is believed that his estimate
would show that the cost would be far from
prohibitive. The financing of the proposal
should also be possible in as much as if
the council recent application for a grant
for bridges and roads is successful financial
relief afforded to council in respect of
certain projected works would render it easily
practicable to obtain money to proceed with
the construction of the Burragate bridge
within the currant financial year. It is
hoped, therefore, that the request to be
placed before the council in this connection
will be sympathetically, satisfactorily and
speedily dealt with.
'Magnet' March 9, 1935
It was reported to the meeting of the Eden
Advancement Association, that the people
of Burragate, Rocky Hall and Towamba intended
to apply to Imlay Shire Council for the construction
of a bridge over the river at Burragate and
it was stated that the Eden Advancement Association
in support would be welcomed. One of the
main objects was to ensure better and more
regular access to the port of Eden.
It was decided to cooperate as far as possible
and to write to the secretary of the movement
at Burragate requesting to be supplied with
a copy of the request to be submitted to
the shire council in order to enable cooperation
to be more effective
'Magnet' March 30, 1935
* Towamba P & C Association requests
that council proceed with erection of a bridge
over Nullica Creek on Eden - Towamba Road.
Reply from council to be sent that work would
be put in hand as soon as possible.
'Magnet' April 13, 1935
There was a large gathering of interested
ratepayers on the 5th instant to discuss
with councillors Mitchell and Lee and the
shire engineer Mr. Hinley, the proposed construction
of a bridge over the river at that centre.
Burragate people turned out almost to the
last man and Towamba and Rocky Hall were
also well represented.
Mr. A. R. Binnie was unanimously voted to
take charge of the meeting and appropriately
introduced the subject for discussion. He
then called on Mr. I. W. Ryan to explain
the necessity for the proposed bridge. Mr. Ryan said that having lived on the river
bank for twenty-five years, he knew only
too well the disadvantages which he and other
similarly situated had experienced owing
to the Burragate River having been left so
long unbridged. Motor transport was now a
necessity for the primary producer but between
Rocky Hall and Twofold Bay by the direct
road through Burragate motor transport was
impossible as the river was for motor lorries
impassable all the year. He himself kept
a bullock team to draw bark over the river
to meet lorries and for the use of cars that
had to be taken across. Farms beyond the
river could be described as being locked
and if the river were bridged they would
be afforded a decent outlet and transport
between Rocky Hall and the port of Eden would
be cheaper by reason of the avoidance of
the inconvenience and delay in the unloading
and reloading of cargo.
Mr. J. Anderson, teacher at Burragate, was
called upon to say a few words, said he could
never understand why Burragate River was
never bridged. A bridge was a public necessity.
He mentioned that having on one occasion
to go to Rocky Hall, a distance of about
eight miles by the direct road. He found
he would have to go via Wyndham, a distance
of twenty-five miles and he therefore had
his car drawn across the river in order to
save the thirty-four miles of extra travelling.
Visitors from Rocky Hall side to Burragate
social functions had to be brought by lantern-light
across a footbridge erected by Ryan Bros.,
not a nice experience for ladies and children.
It would hope that the councillors present
would get a good grip of the requirement
and put a strong case for the bridge before
the council.
Mr. A. J. Underhill spoke humorously and
forcibly in favour of the bridge. Everyone
at Rocky Hall, he said, was anxious to make
their way to Twofold Bay which was one of
the greatest harbours in the world and while
there, to surf on some of its choice beaches
as all were tired of surfing in Burragate
River with their cars. He being a carrier,
had many unenviable experiences in the river
with his lorry. There was every reason why
the bridge should be built; there was none
why it shouldn't be. He doubted that in any
other part of the state an array of lanterns
had to be provided to conduct visitors over
the river by footbridge. He hoped a real
bridge would be built at the earliest.
Mr. C. G. Ryan said the time had arrived
when something had to be done. He himself had an almost lifelong experience
of trouble and anxiety in crossing the river. The cost of providing a bridge should
not exceed £1000 and possible this might
be procured from the Relief Council to give
men work and Burragate a bridge. There could
hardly be a bigger hold up of transport on
an important road leading to a port in any
part of the state.
Mr. W. Fleming said he could not speak of
old experiences but the time he had been
living at Rocky Hall was long enough to get
to know all about the Burragate River. Soon
after coming to the district he decided to
go to a sports carnival at Burragate but
found that instead of being able to get there
in eight miles by the river road he had to
go via Wyndham - twenty-five miles. His later
experiences had been similar and here all
others interested considered the time had
come for a change for the better. The need
for a bridge was urgent.
The chairman endorsed the remarks of the
various speakers and emphasised the difficulties
and dangers arising from the want of a bridge.
He would like the councillors present to
express their views.
Councillor Mitchell said he knew all about
the river and the difficulties and dangers
experienced by travellers and he would like
the meeting to know that in his opinion the
river should have been bridged long ago.
He was in favour of the bridge being constructed.
Councillor Lee said he was pleased to meet
so many electors of 'C' Riding and to receive
their requests but the council found it impossible
to finance such works. At the present time
their were several bridges at Rocky Hall
under construction. Up there they had given
assistance in the way of timber and he had
been told that to bridge Burragate River
would benefit only one man but as there seemed
to be more than one interested it was up
to them to give assistance by way of providing
timber for the approaches. Now is the time
for them to submit something concrete. Time
was getting away and it was not use whispering
what you might do and what you might not.
He would like to know something definite
now of what they would do.
For a few minutes silence reigned supreme
and Mr. I. W. Ryan then said that he had
listened with interest to Mr. Lee but did
not quite understand him. This was Burragate's
first request of any note to Imlay Shire
Council since it came to existence. That
body was considered to be our local government
and it was generally understood that it would
undertake any reasonable work within the
shire. Councillor Lee was looking at the
request from the wrong point of view. The
bridge concerned not only the people of the
locality round about, it concerned the whole
riding and indeed the whole shire. There
was no reason why its cost, or any great
portion of it, should be born by the people
of Burragate, Towamba and Rocky Hall. They
had been without the convenience for countless
years and all they wanted was fair play.
People talked of development. How could they
have development when for want of a bridge
the progress of an important part of shire
was blocked. If they wanted to advance the
development of district and the port of Twofold
Bay they should remove the barriers to progress
including the unbridged crossing at Burragate.
The council should not be asking a section
of the ratepayers who were already harassed
by difficulties and disadvantages to burden
themselves with contributions for a work
for the public benefit. Councillors should
realise that it took most of the ratepayers
all their time to pay their rates. He regretted
that Councillor Lee had not displayed a better
feeling towards the proposition.
Councillor Lee: ' Are there between eight
and twenty farms in the district that could
be developed by the bridge?'
Mr. Ryan said that there were already that
number in action and there were thousands of acres of good wattle growing
land that could be taken up.
In reply to the chairman, Mr. Hinley said
a bridge and approaches would cost £850.
He realised the necessity of bridging the
river and a bridge should be a great benefit
to the district.
After further discussion it was decided to
further consider the matter at a public meeting
to be held at Burragate on the 13th instant.
The meeting concluded with a hearty vote
of thanks to the chairman.
'Magnet' April 13, 1935
At Imlay Shire Council meeting yesterday
the shire engineer Mr. Hinley reported that
on the 5th instant in company of Councillors
Lee and Mitchell, he had inspected the site
for a proposed bridge at Burragate where
a large number of people had assembled to
discuss the matter. At the site suggested,
a low level bridge, 180 feet in length with
10 foot decking, could be built for £800,
including approaches. He suggested that the
matter be held over until come concrete proposal
had been received from the residents of the
Councillor Lee said residents had been asked
what assistance they would give. Mr. Underhill
had offered to give £5 but a number of Burragate
people were not very enthusiastic about the
idea of giving assistance. Some however,
said they would go around and see what offers
of help they could get. It appeared that
there were a lot of people whom the bridge
would serve and there would be a lot of traffic
for the bridge, the construction of which
would effect a saving of fifteen or twenty
miles between Burragate and Rocky Hall.
The engineer: ' Fifteen miles.'
Councillor Lee: ' Well, between fifteen and
twenty miles would be saved by going direct
instead of by way of Wyndham.'
Councillor Allen said council could not do
this kind of thing while creeks on the more
important Tantawanglo Road remained unbridged.
They could not give people what they wanted
in way back places such as Burragate. It
was beyond council's ability to do so.
The engineer: ' The people at Burragate were
told the work could not be carried out in
this year's programme.'
Councillor Allen again spoke of bridge requirements
in 'A' riding and said the Burragate Bridge
would serve only one settler- Ryan.
Councillor Lee: ' Rocky Hall people say they
use the road considerably and one of them,
Mr. Underhill said he would give £5. The
Ryans say they have to use the crossing and
have trouble in getting their loading across.'
Councillor Allen: ' Can't they get round?'
The President: 'They can get round. There
is nothing to stop them.'
Councillor Lee: ' But it is a very long way
and they say the bridge would open up new
The President: ' It won't open up any new
Councillor Mitchell: ' They appear to think
it would enable a road to be extended to
Wog Wog.'
The President: ' They only way to open Wog
Wog is by a road to go in from the two churches
at Rocky Hall. This would be the closest
point - about eight or nine miles or a little
more. From Burragate a road would have to
go in over rivers and hills through very
rough country. A distance of fourteen miles.
Councillor Lee: ' We definitely told them
that the work could not be put on this years'
programme and we asked them to let us know
what they could do in the matter of self
help as some assistance from them would be
The President said that the crossing would
be a long one; the hundred and eighty feet
would only be a part of the total length.
Councillor Lee: 'They measured off four forty
foot spaces.'
Councillor Mitchell: 'This would be about
fifty yards above the present crossing.'
The engineer: 'That is the narrowest part.'
The President: 'That is a long way across'
Councillor Wiles: 'We can't do anything now.
Council has no money available.'
Councillor Mitchell: 'I am sure that we will
get some concrete proposal put before the
next meeting.'
The President: 'Then we can leave it at that.'
On the motion of councillor Lee it was decided
that the matter stand over for the present.
'Magnet' April 13, 1935
* About thirty district residents were present
on April 5th to meet the representatives
of Imlay Shire at the site of the proposed
bridge over the Burragate River. Mr. Hinley,
shire engineer, furnished the meeting with
details as to cost etc., and a strong case
was presented in favour of the proposed structure.
'Magnet' April 20, 1935
Public Meeting
At the specially convened public meeting
held at the School of Arts on Saturday April
13, for the purpose for further discussing
the proposed bridge over the bridge at Burragate,
delegates from Rocky Hall and Towamba as
well as residents of Burragate and district
were present. Mr. C. Sawers presided. The
subject for discussion was well ventilated
and Mr. I. W. Ryan ardently attacked the
question whether the bridge concerned one
man only or the residents of the whole Towamba
Valley. The meeting was wholeheartedly with
him in his contention that the matter was
of district wide importance and should be
recognised as such by the ratepayers' representatives
in Imlay Shire Council.
Finally the following motion was carried
unanimously: That since the proposed Burragate
bridge appears to be, 1. a matter for the
whole of 'C' Riding, 2. of a developmental
nature and 3. is an urgent necessity to the
Burragate district, we the residents of Burragate,
Rocky Hall and Towamba separately and conjointly
respectfully suggest to Imlay Shire Council
that it should endeavour to secure a grant
for its construction.
At the conclusion of the meeting tea was
handed round by the ladies and the remainder
of the evening was spent in social intercourse.
'Magnet' April 27, 1935
Imlay Shire Council is not yet in receipt
of the promised grant of £1,250 for expenditure
on bridges etc., in this shire. The work
to be covered by the grant comprised Towamba
Bridge approach, completion of Stockyard
Creek bridge, a bridge at Nungatta Creek,
two at Rocky Hall and one at Pipeclay Creek.
After his meeting at Towamba on Wednesday
afternoon, Mr. Hedges MLA, drove out to Burragate
to see the sight of the proposed bridge over
the river there. He is well acquainted with
the crossing where on one occasion he was
bogged with his car and had to be pulled
out. He expressed himself as being convinced
of the necessity for a bridge, and the next
morning interviewed at Eden the shire president,
(Councillor Robertson) regarding the desirableness
of applying for a grant to enable the bridge
to be built.
With reference to inquiries that have been
made respecting Imlay Shire Council's intention
regarding the desired construction of a bridge
over Nullica River crossing, Eden-Towamba
Road, it may be stated that this is a main
road work towards the cost of which the Main
Road Board will contribute 75% and the Council
will provide the remaining 25%. The commencement
of the work is being delayed to suit the
convenience of the MRB until after 30th of
June, the end of the current financial year.
'Magnet' April 27, 1935
Mr. H. Umback, Burragate undertakes to construct
a low-level bridge at Sheepskin Crossing
provided Council place the bed logs in position
on the rock. Resolved that the work asked
for be carried out with assistance offered.
Mr. Umback informed that the timber to be
used for girders and corbels must be up to
the engineer's specification. With councillors
Lee and Mitchell, the residents of Burragate
were interviewed regarding low-level bridge
at crossing. The length will be 180 feet
and with a 10 foot debt and approaches will
cost approximately £800. Resolved that as
no provision has been made for this work
this year, the matter stand over for the
'Magnet' April 27, 1935
Still we patiently wait for the long promised
bridge over the Nullica Creek and the concreting
of the approaches to the Towamba low-level
bridge. All good things come to those who
wait, at least says an old adage.
Magnet' May 4, 1935'
A meeting held here earlier this week unanimously
decided to support the request of Burragate,
Towamba and Rocky Hall for the construction
of a bridge over the river at Burragate.
OPENING OF KIAH BRIDGE. c. 1930's Photographer C. E. Wellings. Photo courtesy M. Mitchell |
Opening of Kiah Bridge. The photographer W.T.(Nobby) Hall sitting in white coat. Man and woman on right possibly John Thomas Mitchell and Fanny Mitchell (nee Bridle). Photographer C.E.Wellings. Photo courtesy M. Mitchell |
'Magnet' May 11, 1935
The district-wide agitation that is going
on with the object of bringing about the
construction of a bridge over the river at
Burragate merits fair and favourable consideration.
The need for the bridge is obviously quite
general, not merely local and the combined
request made by residents of Rocky Hall,
Burragate and Towamba for the bridging of
the river affords ample justification for
action by the Shire Council in the direction
desired. The bridge comes within the category
of works eligible for construction by means
of grants for expenditure on roads other
than main roads leading to settlement. A
grant for this purpose would in no way involve
diminution of funds available from other
sources for similar work on main roads and
on this account projects should receive the
unanimous support of the Council and since
such grants are not necessarily conditional
on their being subsidised by the Council,
the ratepayers of the locality who have suffered
many years of inconvenience and loss through
the river being unbridged should not be called
upon to bear an additional burden in the
shape of special contributions towards the
cost of the structure. It is reasonable to
expect that when the whole of the circumstances
are considered all possible help will be
given by the Council to the people of the
district in their efforts to secure the bridge
that represents so much to them and to others
as a means of serving the public convenience
and promoting the development of the shire.
'Magnet' May 18, 1935
Grant B Applied For
At Imlay Shire Council's meeting yesterday
it was unanimously resolved on the motion
of councillors Taylor and Wiles that application
be made for a grant of £1000 from the Unemployment
Fund for the purpose of constructing a bridge
over the bridge at Burragate.
'Magnet' May 18, 1935
Seldom are the people of any small community
stirred into such unity of action as is now
being shown by Burragate people in their
agitation for the bridging of the river at
their centre. Their case, as 'Magnet' readers
are aware, has been well and plainly put.
Two things they strongly and rightly resent;
1, A suggestion made at a Shire Council meeting
that the road was of purely local importance
and benefit, 2, Being asked to assist with
the work which if carried out by Government
grant, would not tax the shire finances and
which in any case would prove a blessing
to a wide area. Burragate has asked for little
'Magnet' May 25, 1935
In answer to a request from Burragate Progress
Association supported by Eden Advancement
Association and other bodies, it was decided
to make application through Mr. Hedges M.L.A.
for a grant of £1000 for a bridge over the
'Magnet' June 1, 1935
* It now seems as if the persistent agitation
by both press and public for a bridge over
the Towamba River at Burragate will be rewarded.
'Magnet' June 15, 1935
* Work has been commenced on concreting the
approaches to our bridge.
'Magnet' June 22, 1935
* Alterations were made a few days ago to
the bridge spanning Pericoe Creek at the
Wog Wog crossing.
'Magnet' September 21, 1935.
The first bridge to be put over the Big Jack
Creek at the foot of the mountain was open
to traffic yesterday. The first car to cross
over it was the Pambula-Bombala mail car
driven by Mr. Les Sharp.
'Magnet' November 23, 1935
Bridge wanted for Maria's Creek
Mr. A.E. Alexander, Pericoe, asked that a
bridge be erected over Maria's Creek Road,
Pericoe to Rockton which was the only holdup
in the road in wet weather. (The matter to
be considered when next year's estimates
are being dealt with.)
April 4, 1936
On an invitation extended to Burragate P
& C Association to send delegates to
Cooma to participate in the interview with
Mr. Spooner on March 20th regarding the proposed
Burragate River bridge, Messers D. Morton
and I. W. Ryan were appointed and they report
respecting the matter as follows:
We had the pleasure of meeting at Cooma,
Mr. Spooner, Minister for Works and Local
Government and our representative Mr. W.
W. Hedges MLA., for Monaro.
Imlay Shire president, Cr. Wiles put forward
proposals for the following works: Bridge
over Slaters Creek at Candelo, bridge over
Sandy Creek on Wyndham-Rocky Hall Road, bridge
over Back Creek, Lochiel, bridge over Black
Creek on Wyndham-Rocky Hall Road and the
matters of Candelo- Wyndham Road and the
Bega River Road. After these had been submitted
Mr. Hedges remarked that he did not see anything
of a bridge for Burragate on the programme
of proposed works, whereupon President Wiles
said that in Council a show of hands was
taken and the proposal was turned down.
Mr. Hedges said that this work had been applied
for and should be considered. It was an urgent
necessity to the people of the Towamba River
district and it was essential to the promotion
of the development of Twofold Bay. He added:
"The people want it and it should be
first on your list of works." The item
was then placed on the list.
Deputy president Lee who besides being a
Council delegate represented also all local
progressive bodies and the Eden Advancement
Association in his advocacy of the project,
said on behalf of these organisations and
the people of Burragate particularly that
the bridge would be to the producers one
of the most beneficial works in the shire.
He put up an excellent case and also put
in a strong plea for the completion of the
Kiah to Lower Towamba Development Road, a
work that was started seven years ago and
was far from finished. Its non completion,
he said, together with the holdup at Burragate
River had brought the district to a locked
position in regard to transport for the farmers
concerned. He said it was heartbreaking to
see the old hands that had pioneered the
river still without a road and it would bring
tears from any human heart to realise their
plight after having stood up to almost every
trial of life that was possible for them
to face.
The Minister listened sympathetically and
said he would discuss the matter with the
Main Roads Department and urge early completion
of the road.
After a long discussion on the shire's financial
position, the Minister said he would assist
the shire on a 60-40 basis for the following
works; Burragate bridge £1,250, Black Creek
bridge and Sandy Creek bridge £510, Slaters
Lane bridge £250, Back Creek bridge £260,
Candelo-Wyndham road £1,000, Tathra-Bega
River Road £1,500.
Councillor Lee is to be congratulated on
the fight he put up for the Burragate Bridge
and for the completion of the Kiah River
Development Road.
November 12, 1937
'The Bombala Times'
In beautiful weather on Wednesday last, the
new bridge over the Towamba River at Burragate
was officially declared open with all the
customary ceremony by the Member for the
District, Mr. W. W. Hedges, M. L. A. This
bridge makes another link between certain
coastal towns and the tableland and brings
many of our neighbours closer to the railhead
at Bombala. There is a good flow of water
in the Towamba River, and judging by the
width of sand and boulders from bank to bank
a light flush after rain would make it impassable
to anything but horse traffic, while heavy
rain would compel all residents on Burragate
side to seek another outlet to reach the
table land. This would mean to them another
fifteen miles round by Wyndham and up the
Big Jack or Mt. Darragh mountains. The progressive
residents of Burragate have long seen the
great necessity for this bridge, but only
within the last two years has it reached
a stage of possibility, made so by the offer
of the Government to find sixty per cent,
of the cost if the Imlay Shire Council would
find the other forty. The Council had hitherto
been unable to see its way to finance the
proposition, but this offer seemed too good
to miss and they grabbed it. Tenders were
called and the bridge erected by Contractor
Armstrong, of Bega, from timber supplied
by Mr. G. S. Rayner, of the Bombala saw mill.
The first estimate of the cost was £800,
but eventually this reached £2000, and the
bridge is a lengthy and substantial structure
which should do all that is required of it
for many years ahead. Burragate is midway
between Bombala and Eden. It is 31 miles
to Bombala and 28 to Eden, making the distance
to Eden via this road 59 miles. Roads radiating
from Burra gate are: Wyndham, 9 miles, Rocky
Hall 8 miles, Pericoe 7 miles and Towamba
8 miles. Pambula via Honeysuckle is 21 miles.
Bombala folks who would like to motor through
this country, and it has some pretty scenery
along the Towamba River, which the road follows
for many miles, should proceed down the Big
Jack Mountain and turn sharp to the right
at the New Building bridge, a few miles the
other side of Rocky Hall. The road is not
a speedway but only needs careful driving.
The residents are not going to let the authorities
rest on their oars after the construction
of this bridge. They want a short road now
of less than five miles in a southerly direction
to connect Burragate with the Wog Wog road,
at Letts' Mountain. This will reduce the
travelling time for stock between Rockton
and Burragate by two days. It now takes three
days, whereas by Letts' Mountain route it
will be done in a day. The radiation of all
these roads to Burragate looks as if the
little village will someday become an important
stock sale centre.
The Burragate-Wog Wog link will also give
easy access to Victoria via Cann River. It
was necessary to write of these matters first
before touching on the actual bridge opening
ceremony to give our readers some information
to indicate its importance.
There was a large gathering of local people,
and visitors from Eden, Bombala, Bega, and
all the immediate surrounding localities,
and at 11 a.m. Mr. J. Anderson took the Chair,
in place of Mr A. Binnie, who was absent
through illness. Mr. Binnie had been chosen
as Chairman as a recognition of the great
work he had done for the district and this
bridge in particular. Mr. I. W. Ryan, President
of the Progress Association, was the first
to speak with satisfaction of the success
of their efforts, and gratification for the
assistance given by the Imlay Shire Council
and Mr. Hedges. It was Mr. Ryan who spoke
of the road to Wog Wog, and also mentioned
the necessity of improving the Big Jack Mountain
road. He was followed by Mr. D. Morton (Secretary
of the Association), Mr. W. Fleming (Rocky
Hall), Mr. H. P. Wellings (Eden Advancement
League), Crs. I. A. Lee and J Taylor (Imlay
Council). The Chairman then called on Mr.
Hedges to officially declare the bridge open.
Mr. Hedges said it gave Mrs. Hedges and himself
very great pleasure to be there that day,
and they fully appreciated the invitation
issued to them by the Progress Association.
They were pleased to attend these functions
wherever possible, although it was not always
convenient, but he liked to get away from
the city and be amongst his constituents
in the country for a time. The work of building
this bridge had been accomplished by the
co operation of the Imlay Shire Council,
but the initiation was due to the good work
of energetic representatives of their own
people. Mr. Ryan and Mr. Morton were absolutely
tireless in working to have this bridge built.
They had been in, constant communication
with him, and at the last election he promised
them that the bridge would be built before
next election- and so it had. But it would
not have been here but for the local governing,
authorities expressing their willingness
to take a share of the burden and find forty
per cent. of the cost.
November 12, 1937
'The Bombala Times'
Miss Betty Anderson presented Mr. Hedges
with a pair of scissors to cut the ribbon;
and little Joan Umback presented Mrs. Hedges
with a pretty posy of flowers. Mr. Hedges
then stepped forward, and as he cut the ribbon
declared the bridge open.
The first car to cross the officially opened
bridge was one in which were seated five
of the oldest residents of the district.
They were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ryan, Mrs. H.
Kraanstuyver, Mrs. A. Binnie, and Mr. J.
Sherwin. Mr. Sherwin was born near the site
of the bridge and now lives near the New
Building bridge. Mrs. Kraanstuyver comes
from the same locality, Mrs Binnie from Towamba,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ryan from Burragate. Mr.
Ryan is a Bombala native, who left these
parts in his young manhood, and married and
settled in the Burra gate district, where
he established a nice farm which is now carried
on mainly by his sons.
At the conclusion of the bridge opening ceremony
the people returned to the prettily situated
recreation ground a short distance away,
where the balance of the day was spent with
an interesting sports programme, followed
by a ball at night, the proceeds from which
went to the Bush Nursing Association